Sunday, July 10, 2011

Capitalism, Democracy and Faith

I believe that Capitalism and Democracy bring the greatest opportunity for the common person to be happy and find satisfaction in what they do and achieve.  I also believe that all of the ills of man's nature interrupt the goodness that flows from Democracy and Capitalistic economy causing greed to take over in place of kindness, compassion, charity, self-sacrifice and all other manner of Godly behavior resulting in tyranny.

Yet, without the opportunity offered by such a Democracy and the Capitalistic economy associated with it, I believe that mankind suffers the weight of tyranny anyway, as various types of other government and economic systems attempt to apply policy not always elected by the individual forced to adhere to that policy.  

So, it is obvious that the higher achievements of mankind which are moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, love, charity, kindness, compassion, self-sacrifice, honesty, integrity, obedience to and faith in God -- it is these things which must accompany the great responsibility that is implied by having the freedom and opportunity provided by Democracy and Capitalist economy.  Without the cooperation of all of these elements all of mankind's endeavors will be ungodly pursuits.  These types of pursuits yield the inevitable failure that history so well illustrates in the decay and spiral downward into decadence of civilizations seen in the historical record.

Though we will always have an element among us who are poor for reasons outside of their control, this does not mean that all of our society is obligated to change the world so that those who are poor are now not poor.  It is our responsibility as people, individually, to reach out to those in need and do all that is reasonable and charitable to assist those who wish to help themselves or who find themselves in need legitimately.  It is wrong for people to permit themselves to be needful so that those of good heart can help them and they, in turn, need not do anything but receive that which is given as though entitled to it.  Accepting that for which you have no need is a form of deceit and robbery of a person's resources and good will.  It is also wrong for our government to encourage the behavior of receiving without earning or desiring to earn by simply forcibly taking from those who have something and earned it to give to those who have nothing because, though they were able, they opted not to engage in earning their living.  This is a form of government sponsored robbery.  

 In our Country, we have evolved from a Democracy described in the Constitution and Bill of Rights to a Country filled with special interest groups, lobbyists paid by businesses and other entities, self-serving government officials and bureaucracies who have purchased the ear of the "elected government".   This "elected government" now serves those groups who have the money and influence to awaken their interests and, by and large, no longer serves the general populous.  When we relinquished our ideals is arguable; that we have relinquished our ideals is probably not arguable.  The ideals I speak of are those taught to us in our schools as children of the post WWII era that then became the baby boomer generation.

The populous, additionally, has suffered the promotion of ungodly behavior and standards through many conduits such as:  

  1. the media that entertains them,

  1. the government that rules them,

  1. the schools that teach their children,

  1. the businesses that employ them

  1. and the churches that presume to teach the will of God and yet call wrong right and acceptable.  

The result is the decadence and decay that will inevitably follow.

Some now have reached a point of no trust of government because they feel they have no voice in it or impact upon it.  They have lost trust in each other because they are fearful of the repercussions of sharing their feelings and concerns too widely and seem to feel there is no shared common truth among us.  

Some have lost trust in their churches and feel betrayed and deceived because those churches do not seem to believe, teach or confess the truth of Holy Scripture.  Some who remain faithful to God do so independently, with great strife and struggle and gather their families as close as possible under His wing and trusting only in God, attempt to carry on with their lives.  It is as though we are the disciples on the road to Emmaus and we are seeing the Roman Government and the oppressive Sanhedrin killing our salvation.  

Our government, by our understanding of the Word of God, is given by God yet it will not yield to God but only to secular definitions of values and right and wrong.  This speaks of a government attempting to be all things to everyone.  To the degree that government sponsored the religious beliefs of a Nation, one can find many abuses of this power and the primacy of it even to the rule of law.  One can also find where Christians would probably still be in the catacombs of Rome if government had not  been converted to faith in Christ.  

  1. The denial of God is not the appropriate response of government to the religious abuses government can apply to the people.  

  1. The proposal of one God truer than another is also not the proper response of government.  

  1. The encouragement of faith is not the role of government.  

  1. The making of laws that silence the expression of faith is not the role of government.  

  1. The implementation of laws that promote a particular faith is not the role of government.  

  1. The recognition of God as all powerful, omnipresent, creator of all and authorizer of government should never be ignored by government or denied by government but, instead, government should bend its knee to the power of the only God.  

As a Nation, when our government lost its way in regard to who the one and only God is it lost our destiny as a great Nation and became one more of the Nation-Building legends of the past that are the scrap heap of the same.  In losing our hold on the truth we have allowed the lies of all history in the door and condemned ourselves to repeat those lies to our own destruction.