If the Tea Party attitude is reflected in the business of the Synod it is because those attitudes are shared by many people who are members of our Synod. Those who felt disenfranchised in the Synod were dancing when Pastor Harrison was elected just as I am sure those who associated with the Tea Party mantras also danced after the elections. If you see this in our Synod I believe it would be simply the sense of re-enfranchisement for those who have felt driven away and mocked for their beliefs.
Further, it would seem to me that one man, Pastor Harrison, cannot all of LCMS remake. Each person in the Synod is a member of the Body of Christ. As such, each has his/her gifts as given from above. Because of this we all bring these gifts and practice them in service to and to the glory of Him. There is no more greater glory to God than to love each other and, in so doing, love Him.
I must ask, has either pole in our divided church drawn near to the other in love? Likewise, in our divided Nation has either pole drawn near to the other in love? So, I would suggest that perhaps, if the answer to these questions is "no", then the Body must first draw near to Christ and then the Holy Spirit, in drawing near to us all, will work His peace among us.
The church, for as long as is recorded in our biblical history, has been divided. The divisions seen now are not new ones nor is the fact of division new within the Body. Hopefully, unlike the fact of secular views which cherish the world, exalts itself and claims power so to be victorious in and of itself, we are different. Hannah's statement is rife with political jargon and encourages division into political power bases.
We who are so angry and suffering with righteous indignation over secular matters that insult our religious views, are instead angry and righteously indignant against heresy, against division, against the slow cooking of the frog through the gradual raising of the heretical heat in our church and in our world as secular humanists and progressives advance their Godless agenda.
So we argue and contend with one another over matters precious to us. Some argue regarding doctrine and others just simply against anything that changes their familiar surroundings. The majority of all Americans claim to be Christian. That same majority appears to apply their beliefs differently. So much for polls.
The experience that has occurred in our church with regard to division and cold behavior toward one another is comprised, I believe, of earnest disagreements between factions in the church, not-so-genuine power grabbing by many whose interest is very questionable, and those who are completely uninformed and able to be pushed in either direction depending on their overall disposition. God bless the leader of our Synod and may he receive a double portion of Grace to deal with our strife.
The only normative point for us all is the Holy Scripture which we know is the greatest treasure of our church. Whether you think you are in power or empowered, I have to continually remind myself that the only power worth having is that which is given through the will of God as He has told us when He says we can do nothing without Him. I want to see our church serving Him and not be continually diverted to arguing with each other. Whatever must be done to assure this would be the best approach as long as it is within and according to Holy Scripture and the Confession.
Pastor Harrison is not guilty of pressing his agenda. He has not twisted arms just as you have stated. He is guilty of standing up earnestly for the Gospel and, as you have pointed out, by that fact stands up for our Confession. We must stand in the same manner and on the same foundation reaching out with consolation, love and genuine interest in healing our division but must also not sacrifice truth in the process. This is the same in the secular environment -- we must stand up for our foundational values built upon Christ, witness unashamedly regarding that foundation to our fellow citizens and, through our way of life, our actions, our words engage the world with that same love from Christ. Yes, this does require strife, pain, and suffering because we are contending in the gate for our God.
Likewise, the agenda of the Jesus First movement and those who align with it (e.g. Kieschnick) would more show the manipulation of our church to SEIZE power and thus to dominate the church with those ideas which are not from our confession. Nothing more illustrates this than the results of the Blue Ribbon Task Force. This is also reflective in the manner that the political agenda in Washington has ignored the will of the people and created its own agenda and through it the grab of ultimate and total domination of its people. So we have the Tea Party mentality against the Fascist mentality reflected back into the hearts and actions of our church because that is the true reality of our battle. Nothing is likely to change until the hearts of us all look to Christ.
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